How to Make a Lemon Twist

A lemon twist has to be made right or it won't stick to the glass. Lemon twists are most often used to garnish dry vodka martinis, but they can be used with many other drinks. They are used for both flavor and decoration. Some people attempt to cut a twist directly from the lemon, but there is another way to make a true lemon twist.

1. Put on gloves before cutting the lemon. The citrus can be harsh on your hands.

2. Cut the ends off the lemon.

3. Cut the lemon lengthwise on one side, from end to end. Cut through the peel on one side, and do not cut the lemon in half.

4. Clean out the fruity pulp in the center of the lemon with the spoon. You should be left with the peel.

5. Roll the peel into a tight tube shape. Use a toothpick to secure it in place.

6. Slice the lemon roll into about five or six (depending on lemon size) 1/4-inch strips.

7. Re-twist the strips just before placing them on the glass so they are in a solid corkscrew shape. Run the rind around the rim of the glass, then leave it on the rim as a garnish.

Read more: How to Make a Lemon Twist | 

Alternative Method

1. Wash and dry the lemon, then remove half an inch from both ends.

2. Cut a 1/3-inch strip of peel by twisting the lemon in one hand while holding a paring knife in the other. Use a slight back-and-forth motion with the knife to facilitate slicing as you turn the lemon. Ideally, the peel should be removed in one piece and then cut to the desired length. If that isn't possible, make sure the strips are at least four inches long to facilitate an adequate twist.

3. Rub the rim of a cocktail glass with the underside of the lemon skin to release some of the citrus oils.

4. Grasp both ends of the lemon strip and twist into a tight spiral. The twist may loosen but will retain its shape.


Read more: How to Make a Twisted Lemon Slice Garnish Top |