
The equipment you will need to make these containers are:

• 2 grain sacks, without holes
(to make the mould)

• 1 paper or grain sack
(to place on the ground to prevent the container from sticking)

• 2 grain sacks, of reasonable quality (to keep the container from drying out)

grain sacks
metal strip

• 1 strip of metal, 193 cm in length and 2 cm wide
(to make the base of the container with a diameter of 60 cm)

• 1 wooden ring,
with a diameter of 40 cm
(to make the opening of the container)

(See Appendix 1 for instructions
on how to make the ring.)

wooden ring
hexagonal wooden ring

• 1 hexagonal wooden ring
(to make the opening of the container)

(See Appendix 2 for instructions on how to make the hexagonal ring)

• 1 wooden paddle or board
(to beat the mould into the correct shape)


• 1 bucket, 15 litre capacity

• 2 brick trowels
(small and medium size)

wooden float

• 1 wooden float

• 1 board to carry plaster mix

plaster board

• 1 fine sieve
(to sieve the sand and cement)